
Repo uudisti brändinsä vastatakseen kasvavaan kysyntään

Repo uudisti brändinsä vastatakseen kasvavaan kysyntään

"Nyt näytämme siltä, mitä oikeasti olemme," toteaa Repon toimitusjohtaja Timo Rissanen.  Metsästysvaatteisiin erikoistunut kuopiolainen Repo uudisti ilmeensä ja verkkosivunsa. Muutos korostaa yrityksen aitoa tuntumaa eränkävijyyteen ja syventää samalla sen roolia...

Metsästyshousut vertailussa – REPO

Hunting trousers in comparison – Repo Extreme

Choosing the right type of hunting pants can sometimes be difficult - that's why we compared hunting pants for you . In our article, you can familiarize yourself with the...

Säänkestävää suojaa kosteisiin olosuhteisiin – valitse kalvopuku metsästykseen

Weatherproof protection for wet conditions - choose a membrane suit for hunting

Hunting suits can generally be divided into two main types: membrane and non-membrane suits. Although there are of course also hybrid models in which, for example, the shoulders and trouser...

Kauriin metsästys – kausi käyntiin kevätpukkijahdilla

Deer hunting - start the season with a spring buck hunt

Forest deer spring buck hunt. What exactly is it and what is its purpose? This is one of the most interesting and awesome forms of yachting. The spring goat hunt...

Kalvoton metsästyspuku sopii alkukauden jahteihin

The membraneless hunting suit is suitable for early season yachts

Roughly speaking, hunting suits are usually divided into either membrane or non-membrane suits, although of course there are also hybrid models in which, for example, the shoulders and trouser legs...

Kääntötakki yhdistää kahden takin hyödyt ja on loistava valinta monipuoliselle metsästäjälle

The reversible jacket combines the benefits of two jackets and is a great choice for the versatile hunter

Hunting is a demanding hobby at times, which places high demands on both the hobbyist and his equipment. The clothing used when hunting often plays a central role, especially in...

Hirvenmetsästys – syksyn yhteisöllinen harrastus

Deer hunting – a communal autumn hobby

Deer hunting is one of Finland's most traditional and popular hunting hobbies, which combines a great nature experience and a sense of community. Deer hunting in Finland is associated with...

Metsästystakit vertailussa – REPO

Hunting jackets in comparison – Repo Extreme

Choosing hunting clothes can sometimes cause difficulties - that's why we compared Hunting Jackets for you! Below you can get to know the most important features of our hunting jackets...

Metsästyspuvut vertailussa – REPO

Hunting suits in comparison – Repo Extreme

Choosing hunting clothes can sometimes cause difficulties - that's why we compared hunting suits for you . Below you can get to know the most important features of our suits,...

Metsästyspuvut testissä – REPO Naruska talvipuku

Hunting suits in the test – Repo Extreme Naruska winter suit

20 October 2023 Ivalo, Lapland Frosty morning in Ivalo, the meter shows about ten degrees below zero. The day before, we discussed with a friend if we should go to...

Kaikki mitä sinun tarvitsee tietää metsästäjätutkinnosta

Everything you need to know about the hunter qualification

Hunting is even more popular in Finland for several different reasons, and there are constantly new enthusiasts for the sport. Completing a hunter's qualification is an important step in all...

Metsästyspuvut testissä – REPO Alpha G2

Hunting suits in the test – Repo Extreme Alpha G2

Comfort for hunting with high-quality clothes It's the beginning of October 2023. I wake up to the sound of the alarm clock and wonder if the weather forecast I saw...

Varusteet hirvimetsälle – näin pukeudut oikein

Equipment for the deer forest - this is how you dress correctly

Deer hunting is one of the most popular hunting sports in Finland. Every autumn, thousands of hunters and their dogs gather closely together with their own hunting club or group...

Lasten metsästyspuku – kuinka pukeutua metsälle turvallisesti?

Children's hunting suit - how to dress safely for the forest?

Hunting is, at its best, a good hobby for the whole family, and it is often said that the sport is a tradition passed down from fathers to sons and...

Metsästyspuku talvikäyttöön – ota huomioon ainakin nämä

A hunting suit for winter use - at least take these into account

Although autumn is generally perceived as the hottest hunting season, there are also several species whose hunting is focused specifically on the winter season. For example, hare, beaver and deer...

Repo Extreme Showroom in Kuopio

Matching of hunting and outdoor clothing is possible on weekdays by agreement. Welcome to get to know our products on site! We are there on weekdays during office hours.

Avainlippu-merkki kertoo suomalaisesta palvelusta

The Avainlippu symbol tells about the Finnish service

Suomalainen Työn Liitto has awarded Repo Extreme with the Finnish service Avainlippu mark. The mark is a recognition of a service produced and employing people in Finland! Thanks to the...

Vinkkejä metsästyspuvun valintaan

Tips for choosing a hunting suit

In order to achieve a pleasant hunting experience, it is good for the equipment to be in good condition, so it is good to choose clothes for hunting that are...

Latvalinnustajan lumipuku

Snowsuit for a top skier

Chasing black birds is challenging, and there is no reason to give a handicap. Your game tested Repo Extreme Naruska lumicamo . The use of a snowsuit for top birding...